Ready to transport your goods? Before you start, have you really followed all the protocols to ensure that your goods reach from point A to B without any problems? Probably not.

It’s important to consider a few important things before you start your shipping process, for a smooth and hindrance-free transport journey.

Obstructions can cause transport problems

Are there any obstacles that can make the delivery process unsafe for all parties involved? This is an important question to ask yourself.

Map out the transport route in your mind and in case you remember any obstructions such as telephone wires or branches that hider transport, let your container delivery service know so they can be prepared. Effective communication ensures safe container transport.

A firm surface for delivery is important

For guaranteed safe container transport the area where the container would be placed mustn’t be uneven. The ideal option to set the container on firm concrete ground that has no puddles and is completely dried out.

This avoids problems like:

  • The container tilting or uneven placement of the container is extremely dangerous as the weight of the containers mean they can fall to the side if placed unevenly.
  • Uneven placement can also make it difficult to open and close the doors of the container.

Your local council can help make delivery safer

Not sure where to place your shipping container? That’s no problem!  A place that is away from drains, fire hydrants, and curbs is always ideal, however give your local council a call as they may have their own regulations and can advise you on the best placement area for your shipping container.

Make enough room for the shipment truck

Is there enough space for a large shipping container pickup truck to move in and out without any problems?

A 20-ft shipping container on a truck will need at least 60ft or more clearance space for it to easily enter and leave the premises. Make sure to make enough room for safe container transport so you can avoid any bumps or damages during the delivery process.

Ready to choose a shipping container? Give us a call.