Believe it or not, a huge, high-quality shipping container can be picked out and purchased from the comfort of your own living room. You may have considered local auctions, or picking up from a private seller in order to cut costs, but if you’re looking for competitive prices without sacrificing on quality, the place to go is Shipping Containers Sydney. And you don’t have to go anywhere at all! With one call, our experts can determine exactly what you need, and deliver it to your property ASAP – often within 24 hours! 

Buy from Trusted Professionals

We don’t just talk big, we also have the big names to back us up! If organisations like Coca Cola, BHP and Qantas are satisfied with our services, we’re willing to bet you will be as well, because no matter how big or small the job, whether it’s for industries or individuals, we put customer satisfaction above all else. As a 100% Australian owned company, we take pride in our role as leading manufacturers across the country. Our containers are maintained to the highest standards, and just to top it off, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee!

Find the Perfect Container for Your Project

With access to the largest modification centre in Australia, there’s really not much we can’t do when it comes to conversions! And we’re not just saying that – we’ve put our modification skills to the test and created all kinds of things, from stages and retreats to a container that can withstand arctic conditions! So, we’re confident that whatever your project might be, we can supply everything you could possibly need. Shelves for sheds, flooring and windows for accommodation, plumbing for ablution blocks, or logo painting for shipping purposes – you name it! 

So look no further! With a simple call, you could have your ideal container on the way in no time!